Batteries from VDL Bus & Coach electric buses are to be given a second life thanks to 'project Anubis'. This RWE and VDL Bus & Coach initiative revolves around the sustainable and circular use of raw materials, in this case bus batteries, in a central storage system in Moerdijk, Netherlands. Tom Harrison (Bus Ambassador) In the coming years, the transportation sector will shift rapidly from a reliance on fossil fuels to a reliance on electricity. Assuming that all buses in the Netherlands, as well as an increasing number of cars and lorries, will be powered by electricity after 2030, more than 150,000 tonnes of batteries will be available for recycling each year. These are currently classified as waste and are mostly sent to recycling plants in other countries. Paul van Vuuren, CEO of VDL Bus & Coach commented, “In project Anubis, we are initially using batteries taken from 43 electric VDL buses operated by Transdev in Eindhoven since 2016, these vehicles are curren...